How To Grow Bitter Gourd From Seeds: Sowing, Care and Harvesting

Bitter gourd, known as bitter melon, is an amazing and healthful addition to your home garden. With its distinct bitter taste and exceptional nutritional value, bitter gourd can be successfully grown in pots/grow bags or containers. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the entire process of growing bitter gourd in pots at home from seeds. From understanding the bitter gourd plant growth stages, and care tips to harvesting the fruits, you’ll gain an in-depth knowledge of how to achieve a thriving bitter gourd harvest.

Bitter Gourd Growing Information

Bitter Gourd Growing Information

  • Common Name: Bitter Gourd, Bitter Melon, Karela 
  • Scientific Name: Momordica charantia
  • Plant Height: 6-12 feet (1.8-3.7 meters) 
  • Seeds Sowing Depth: 1 inch (2.5 cm) 
  • Germination Days: 7-14 days
  • Germination Temperature: 25-32°C
  • Water Needs: Moderate
  • Sunlight: 6-8 hours of direct sunlight 
  • Harvesting Days: 50-70 days

When To Grow Bitter Gourds

When To Grow Bitter Gourds

Bitter gourds grow best in warm and tropical climates. The bitter gourd growing season in India is during summer (February-April) and monsoon season (June to July) when temperatures consistently stay above 70°F (21°C).

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How To Grow Bitter Gourds From Seeds in Pots

How To Grow Bitter Gourds From Seeds in Pots

Growing bitter gourd from seeds at home is an easy and simple way to fill your garden with fresh vegetables. Let us know how to grow bitter gourd  from seeds at home in pots or grow bags and what are the stages of its growth:

1) Choose Best Potting Soil:

1) Choose Best Potting Soil:

Bitter gourd prefers well-draining, loamy soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH. You can add organic fertilizer such as vermicompost or cow dung manure to enhance soil quality. Additionally, growing bitter gourds in ready-to-use potting soil is a good option for healthy growth.

2) Best Grow Bags or Container Size:

2) Best Grow Bags or Container Size:

Opt for big containers or grow bags, with a minimum depth and width of at least 15 inches. This size allows proper room for the extensive root system of bitter gourd plants. Check that your containers have sufficient drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. Some of the best-size grow bags for growing bitter gourd plants at home are:

(Read More: Best Grow Bags For Vegetables In Home Garden…)

3) Temperature and Location:

3) Temperature and Location:

Select a sunny location that receives daily 6-8 hours of direct sunlight. Bitter gourds thrive in warm temperatures and must be grown in a frost-free environment.

4) Sowing Bitter Gourd Seeds:

4) Sowing Bitter Gourd Seeds:

Plant bitter gourd seeds about 1 inch deep in the soil. You can sow 2 seeds in a pot or grow bags for healthy growth. After planting, water the soil thoroughly to facilitate germination.

5) Bitter Gourd Seeds Germination:

5) Bitter Gourd Seeds Germination:

Bitter gourd seeds usually germinate within 1-2 weeks and the best germination temperature is 25-32°C. Keep the soil moist and maintain warm conditions.

Bitter Gourd Plant Care and Maintenance

Bitter Gourd Plant Care and Maintenance

  • Watering: Maintain consistently moist soil but avoid waterlogging. Bitter gourds prefer a slightly moist environment, so water deeply when the top inch of soil becomes dry.
  • Sunlight: Make sure that your bitter gourd plants receive 6-8 hours of sunlight daily. Insufficient light can lead to leggy growth and reduced fruit production.
  • Support: Bitter gourd vines are known to be quite vigorous climbers, so it’s important to provide them with a trellis or some other form of support structure such as a creeper net for them to grow vertically. This not only helps conserve space in your home garden but also promotes better air circulation and minimizes the risk of diseases affecting the plant.
  • Fertilizer: Use a balanced, slow-release organic fertilizer like vermicompost, cow dung manure, or mustard cake. Apply fertilizer every 4-6 weeks to provide the essential nutrients for your growing gourds.
  • Pruning: Regularly prune any excessive growth and leaves from your bitter gourd plants. This can help to improve air circulation and reduce the risk of diseases.

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Harvesting of Bitter Gourds

Harvesting of Bitter Gourds

  • Typically, bitter gourd plants start bearing fruits within 55 to 60 days after sowing.
  • Bitter gourds are ready for harvest when they reach a length of 4-5 inches and remain green. 
  • Harvest them carefully using a sharp knife or scissors to prevent damage to the vines.


Is soaking bitter gourd seeds necessary for germination?

No, it’s not necessary for seed germination. Bitter gourd seeds can germinate without soaking.

How frequently should I water bitter gourd plants?

Maintain soil moisture by watering every 2-3 days, depending on climate and humidity.

Do bitter gourds require pollination?

Bitter gourds are usually pollinated by insects in their natural habitat. However, in indoor settings where there might be a lack of insects, hand pollination is often required to ensure the proper development of fruits.

Can bitter gourds be grown in indoor containers?

Yes, you can grow bitter gourds in large containers indoors, provided they receive proper light and warmth.

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Growing bitter gourd at home from seeds in pots or grow bags is a gratifying experience. By following these comprehensive guidelines on bitter gourd plant care, how to grow from seeds at home, and its growth stages, you’ll be well-equipped to enjoy a bountiful harvest of this unique and nutritious vegetable in your home garden

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