5 Best Fertilizer For Plants In Summer in India

As the summer starts, plants in our gardens and pots have to face a tough time with the bright sun and scorching heat. It is very important to keep plants healthy in summer. In such a situation, choosing the right fertilizer is like giving them the best food to thrive in these hot conditions. These are various natural or Organic fertilizer which help our plants stay healthy and happy during the summer.

Best fertilizer for plants in summer


In this Post, we will tell you about Top 5 Organic fertilizers that can help to keep your plants alive and green in the hot months in India. So let us know about the Best fertilizer for plants in summer.

5 Best fertilizer for Plants in Summer In India

1. Organic Compost

मिट्टी में मिलाएं जैविक खाद - Adding Organic Fertilizer to Soil in Hindi

Organic compost is one of the best fertilizer for plants in summer. It is decomposed organic matter like kitchen scraps, garden waste and other biodegradable materials. When you add it to the soil, it works as a nutrient rich conditioner.

When you use it in summer, It provides nutrients which are crucial for plant growth like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Apart from this, it also improves soil structure and water retention, helping plants cope with the heat and water stress. That means your plant can get nutrients more efficiently and withstand periods of drought more effectively.

Read More: How To Care for Plants in Summer: 8 Ways

2. Vermicompost

Vermicompost Is Organic Material For Soil Improvement In Hindi

Vermicompost also called worm manure which is produced through the decomposition of organic material by earthworms. It acts as the best fertilizer in summer because it is beneficial for plants due to its nutrient content and the presence of beneficial microorganisms.

Vermi compost is an organic fertilizer which have essential plant nutrients, humus, and beneficial microbes that enhance soil fertility and plant health. In the hot days it helps to improve soil moisture retention, reduces nutrient leaching, and also enhances plant resilience to heat stress.

Buy  Vermicompost: 👉 Click to Buy Now

3. Neem Cake

 Neem Cake

 Neem cake or Neem khali is a byproduct obtained from the seeds of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica). It is also an organic fertilizer which is rich in nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Neem khali contains natural compounds such as azadirachtin, which acts as a natural insect repellent. It also has pest-repellent properties.

Nutrients present in Neem Cake support healthy plant growth and it also protects plants from pests and diseases.

When you use Neem khali in your garden or potted plant in summer, it helps ensure robust plant growth while minimizing pest damage, which can be more prevalent in hot days.

Read Also: Top 7 Plants that grow in low nutrient soil

Buy Neem Cake (Neem Khali): 👉 Click to Buy Now

4. Cow dung Manure Fertilizer

Cow Dung Manure

Cow dung fertilizer can be beneficial for plants during the summer months in India. it is the best Organic fertilizer for your garden or potted plant. Which rich in organic matter and nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. When properly composted or aged, cow dung fertilizer can improve soil structure, increase moisture retention, and provide a slow-release source of nutrients to plants.

During the hot summer months, soil moisture levels can decrease rapidly due to evaporation. Cow dung compost can help improve soil moisture retention but it is essential to monitor soil moisture levels regularly and provide Proper watering to prevent dehydration stress in plants. Cow dung compost releases nutrients slowly over time, which can help sustain plant growth during the summer. Avoid over use of cow dung compost, as excessive amounts can lead to nutrient imbalances and salt buildup in the soil.

Buy Cow Dung Manure 👉 Click to Buy Now

Read Also: How to water plants while on Vacation

5. Liquid Seaweed Fertilizer

Liquid Seaweed Fertilizer

If you want to make the plants healthy and green during summer, then using seaweed fertilizer can be a good option for you. This fertilizer is made from seaweed, which is completely organic. It contains essential nutrients for plant growth such as Nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, and minerals. Which help to increase flower, vegetable and fruit production in plants.

During summer, when plants are more sensitive to heat stress and water loss. Liquid seaweed fertilizer offers a natural solution to support plant health and vitality.

In addition, it also helps in development of strong root systems, increases resistance to pests and diseases, and improves overall plant vigor.

Buy Liquid Seaweed Concentrate fertilizer: 👉 Click to Buy Now

To buy more Gardening Products, Visit organicbazar.net


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