Popular Exotic Fruits in India: A Guide To Growing Them In Home Garden

Exotic fruits are a wonderful addition to any home garden. They offer a taste of the extraordinary in your very own backyard. These fruits are often sourced from far-flung corners of the world, bringing a unique flavor and a sense of adventure to your gardening experience. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll introduce a list of the best or popular exotic fruit plants in India, and provide a full guide on how to grow exotic fruit plants including exotic fruit farming practices, cultivation tips, and challenges of growing exotic fruits in India. 

What Are Exotic Fruits?

Exotic fruits are fruits that are not commonly found in a particular region. They are also referred to as foreign fruits as they often originate from distant places and come with distinctive flavors, appearances, and growing requirements. Growing Exotic Fruits in your home garden can bring diversity and novelty to it, making it a source of fascination and deliciousness.

List of Popular Exotic Fruits To Grow In Your Home Garden

List of Popular Exotic Fruits To Grow In Your Home GardenBefore knowing how to grow exotic fruit plants or trees in your home garden, let us know about some of the best and most popular exotic plant trees suited to the Indian climate.

1) Persimmon: Indian Exotic Fruit Trees

It is a fruit native to China that is usually orange or red-orange and resembles a tomato in shape. Persimmons are small to medium-sized fruits with a sweet and mildly spicy flavor. This fruit prefers temperate climates with well-defined seasons and can be grown in some northern parts of India including some Himalayan regions.

2) Star Fruit: Best Exotic Fruits for Indian Climate

Star fruit (Carambola) is appreciated for its unique shape and spicy-sweet taste fruit. It is native to tropical Southeast Asia and can thrive in the hot and humid climate that is common in India.

3) Dragon fruit: Exotic Fruits That Thrive in Indian Climates

Dragon fruit is the best exotic fruit for the Indian climate which prefers a hot climate to grow. This vibrant fruit with its attractive appearance grows well in areas with high temperatures and low humidity, making it suitable for various Indian regions.

4) Kiwi: Exotic Fruit Trees in Indian Gardens

Kiwi plants require a hot and humid climate with well-defined seasons, making them suitable for Indian regions. They are popular Indian exotic fruit trees, native to large areas of China.

5) Breadfruit: Unique Exotic Fruits to Grow in India

Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) is a tropical tree that thrives in areas with hot, humid climates, which characterize many parts of India. It is known for its large, starchy fruit that is usually grown from seeds, although it can also be grown by root cuttings or grafting.

6) Avocado: Best Exotic Fruits for Indian Climate

Avocado (Persia americana) is a popular and nutritious fruit known for its pear-shaped fruits with creamy, green pulp and distinctive flavor. The trees thrive in areas with warm, subtropical climates. They require well-drained soil and protection from strong winds, which are found in some parts of India.

7) Water Apple: Exotic Fruit Trees in Indian Gardens

Water apples are small to medium-sized, round, or pear-shaped fruits with thin, smooth skin that range in color from green to pink or red. Trees thrive in tropical climates, especially in the southern regions of India, where warm and humid conditions are perfect for their growth.

8) Jackfruit: Exotic Fruits That Thrive in Indian Climates

Due to its huge size and sweet, aromatic pulp, jackfruit grows best in tropical and subtropical regions, which are abundant in India. The edible part of the fruit contains several fleshy, yellow or orange-yellow pods.

9) Strawberry: Homegrown Exotic Fruits in India

Strawberry with small, sweet, and vibrant red delicious tasting fruits is one of the best exotic fruit plants in India. They can be grown in cool areas with well-drained soil and a good amount of sunlight, making them suitable for different parts of India.

10) Longan: Indian Exotic Fruit Trees

Longan fruits (Dimocarpus) are small and round and have a thin, and brown shell. They are known for their sweet and floral flavor, making them a great choice for many parts of India. Longan trees thrive in hot and humid environments and require well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight.

(Read More: 15 Best Fruit Plants for Home Gardens in India: A Guide to Growing Delicious Fruits…)

How to Grow Exotic Fruits in Your Home Garden

How to Grow Exotic Fruits in Your Home Garden

Growing exotic fruits in your home garden can be a rewarding and exciting task. Not only is it a rewarding experience, but it also adds a touch of novelty to your gardening journey. To grow exotic fruits successfully in India, follow these essential steps:

1) Choose the Right Fruits

To start exotic fruit farming in India, first research and select the best exotic fruits well-suited to your local climate and conditions. It’s important to take into account factors such as temperature, humidity, and rainfall patterns to ensure a good match. By doing so, you can enjoy a variety of delicious and unique fruits that thrive in your area.

2) Find the Ideal Location and Use Grow Bags

Identify a suitable spot in your home garden that provides the necessary sunlight and protection from strong winds. Some exotic fruits require full sun, while others thrive in partial shade.

Grow bags are versatile containers for cultivating fruit trees. They come in a variety of sizes and materials, providing excellent aeration and drainage for healthy root growth. Choose grow bags that match the tree’s size and climate. Generally, 9 to 12-inch deep grow bags are suitable for small fruit plants, while 18 to 24-inch deep grow bags may be suitable for growing larger exotic fruit trees. These bags are an ideal choice for urban and small-space gardening, allowing you to grow fruit trees even in limited areas.

(Read More: Optimal Grow Bag Sizes for Vegetables, Herbs, and Fruits…)

3) Soil Preparation

To ensure that your garden thrives, it’s essential to make sure that the soil is well-drained, fertile, and rich in organic matter. You can also use ready-to-use potting soil mix to plant fruit trees. Exotic fruit trees often have specific soil requirements, so amend your soil accordingly.

4) Planting Exotic Fruit

Follow the planting guidelines for each specific exotic fruit. Pay attention to spacing, depth, and proper care at the time of planting.

5) Watering Frequency

Provide consistent and proper watering, adjusting the frequency and amount to match the water needs of your chosen exotic fruits. Some fruits may require regular deep watering, while others prefer drier conditions.

6) Pollination Need

To ensure the successful growth of exotic fruits in your garden, it is important to understand their pollination requirements. Some fruits are self-pollinated, while others may require cross-pollination from other plants to produce fruit. Encourage pollinators like bees and butterflies in your garden by planting flowering plants nearby and avoid using pesticides that can harm these helpful insects.

7) Pruning and Training

Regular pruning and training of fruit trees and plants is essential to maintain their shape, promote air circulation, and optimize fruit production. It is important to note that different fruits may require different pruning techniques, so it is important to do proper research and understand the unique needs of each plant.

8) Pest and Disease Management

Growing exotic fruit plants or trees in your home garden has some challenges when growing exotic fruits in India, such as pests and diseases that disturb the growth of the plants. It’s important to watch for common pests and diseases that can affect the specific exotic fruits in your garden. By implementing appropriate pest control and disease prevention measures, you can help protect your plants and ensure a healthy harvest.

9) Fertilization

To grow exotic fruits successfully in India, It’s important to follow a fertilization schedule that is tailored to the specific nutritional requirements of each type of fruit. Make sure to use organic or balanced fertilizers such as cow manure, vermicompost, mustard cake, or bio npk liquid fertilizer to ensure healthy growth and optimal fruit production.

10) Harvesting

After knowing exotic fruit cultivation tips in India, learn when and how to harvest your exotic fruits. Different fruits have unique ripening indicators and harvesting techniques and times, so follow the guidelines for each.

(Read More: How to Choose the Perfect Organic Soil for Your Garden…)

Growing exotic fruits in a garden is not just about the result but the journey. Enjoy the process, learn from your experiences, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different fruits. So, embark on this delightful journey of how to start growing exotic fruits in India and transform your garden into a tropical paradise of exotic fruits. Happy gardening!

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