As the calendar turns to October and November in India, gardeners have a special opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty of this transitional season by planting easy-to-grow flowers in October-November. 

let's check out some of the best flowers that can be planted in these months.

With clusters of tiny, fragrant flowers, sweet Alyssum adds a stir to our home garden during October-November.

Sweet Alyssum

Ranunculuses are bulbous plants perfect to grow in the 0ctober-November months. They bloom in spring and prefer full sun to partial shade.


Celosias are vibrant annual flowers that thrive in full sun and are perfect to plant in October and November months.


Stock flowers are known for their delightful fragrance and come in colors including white, pink, purple, and red.


Asters are perennials known for their daisy-like flowers. They are perfect to grow in the October-November months.


Dahlias are prized for their various flower shapes and a wide range of colors. You can choose to plant them in your home garden this month.


Cornflowers (Bachelor’s Button) are charming annuals with striking blue, purple, pink, or white flowers.


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