

By Shama Parveen

Don't Make These 

In Your Monsoon Garden!

When engaging in monsoon gardening, it's essential to be mindful of certain mistakes that can hinder the health and growth of your plants. Here are eight common mistakes to avoid during gardening in rainy season:

8 Mistakes To Avoid

During Monsoon Gardening

2) Neglecting Drainage

Poor drainage can result in waterlogged soil, causing root suffocation and plant diseases. Improve drainage by adding organic matter in the soil.

3) Planting in Compact Soil

Monsoon rains can cause soil compaction, making it difficult for roots to grow and access oxygen. Prepare your garden pots by loosening the soil before planting.

4) Lack of Sunlight

Monsoon is often cloudy, which reduces the amount of sunlight available to plants. Make sure your garden has adequate exposure to sunlight or move potted plants to sunnier locations.

5) Ignoring Pest and Disease Control

The increased humidity during the rainy season creates favorable conditions for pests and diseases. Implement preventive measures to minimize the risk of infestations.

6) Failing to Prune and Maintain Plants

Regular pruning helps maintain the shape, health, and vigor of plants. Remove dead or diseased branches and trim excessive growth to increase airflow.

7) Skipping Mulching

Mulching is important during monsoons as it helps regulate soil temperature, retain moisture, and prevent weed growth. Apply a layer of organic mulch around plants.

8) Not Adjusting Fertilization

Excessive rainfall can wash away nutrients from the soil. Adjust your fertilization routine by using slow-release or organic fertilizers throughout the growing season.

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