What Would Happen  If A Plant Get Too Much Sunlight?

By Shama Parveen


Every plant needs some hours of sunlight, but excessive sunlight can harm plants. Due to getting more sunlight, many symptoms appear in the plants, which we will know further in this story.

When plants are exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, the tender leaves of that plant wither.

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Due to getting more sunlight, the leaves start turning from the edges.

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The soil of plants also dries up quickly in strong sunlight, due to which the leaves also start drying slowly.

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The dark green color of the leaves of the plants gradually fades after being exposed to strong sunlight for a long time.

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If the plants are kept in the sun for a long time, the leaves first start turning yellow and then also begin falling.

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Plants exposed to excess sunlight may show symptoms of sunburn, which results in the appearance of dark burn-like spots on the leaves.

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