Vegetables To Plant In January

By Shama Parveen

January is the coldest month of the year for gardening, so it is the perfect time to plant vegetables in your terrace garden and home garden. So in today's story, we will discuss the top vegetables that grow best in the month of January which you can easily plant.

Peas are the best winter vegetable and can be easily grown in the month of January. You can plant peas in your garden at home in mid-January, and within a few months, you can get peas and enjoy them throughout the winter.


Carrots are cool-loving root vegetables which can be easily grown in the months of January. Carrot is one of those healthy vegetables that you must include in your kitchen garden.


Potato is a staple of Indian cuisine and is used in almost every vegetable recipe. You can grow potatoes in January in any large container or potato grow bag at home.



Radishes grow very quickly and healthily in the months of January, you can grow radishes from seed and get fresh and organic radishes within 2 months.


Spinach is a green leafy vegetable and is popular as palak in India. It contains high protein, minerals, and vitamins as compared to other leafy vegetables, and it grows very fast in cool weather. 


Cabbage is a leafy vegetable rich in good amount of nutrients, the best time to sow cabbage seeds is mid-January. Cabbage needs regular water and 4 to 6 hours of sunlight daily to grow.


Turnip is the most popular root vegetable in India with edible leaves, it grows best in cool climates with short days.

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