
Top Winter Herbs for Your Home Garden!

By Shama Parveen

Planting herbs during the winter season can be easy if you choose the right herbs for your home garden. Some hardy herbs can thrive during the winter months in India. Here are some popular herbs you may consider planting in the winter:

Rosemary is a popular herb that can withstand cold temperatures. It adds both taste and aroma to your dishes.


Thyme is a low-growing herb that can tolerate cool conditions. Its small, aromatic leaves make it suitable for seasoning roasts, stews and soups.


Chives are well-known herbs and can grow well in cold climates. They add a mild onion flavor to dishes.


Parsley is a versatile herb that can tolerate cooler conditions. It's often used as a garnish or for flavoring dishes.


Coriander loves cool weather, and can easily survive even cold climates. It is a staple in many dishes, adding a refreshing, delicious flavor to dishes.


Sage is a hardy herb that can endure colder temperatures. It's commonly used to flavor meats and stuffings.


Oregano can survive even mild winters. It is a flavorful herb that enhances the flavor of dishes.


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