
Top Flowering Plants to Grow in July in India!

By Shama Parveen

July month is a great time for gardening enthusiasts in India as it offers ideal conditions for the growth of various July flowering plants. If you’re wondering which flowers to grow in July, we have compiled a list of 15 vibrant flowers to plant in July.

Roses are timeless classics that add elegance to any home garden. July is an excellent time to plant rose bushes.


Zinnias are known for their brilliant colors and long-lasting blooms. They are the best July flowering plants.


Cosmos flowers are delicate and come in shades of pink, purple, and white. They are easy to grow from seeds and thrive in well-drained soil and bright sunlight.


Marigolds are popular flowers known for their bright yellow, orange, and red blooms. They thrive in full sunlight and well-drained soil.


Sunflowers are worth a look because of their large, vibrant heads. These cheerful flowers love sunlight and best to plant in July in India.


Jasmine flowers are renowned for their intoxicating fragrance and delicate beauty. They are perfect to grow in July month.


Portulaca, also known as moss rose, is a low-growing flower with vibrant, succulent-like leaves. These flowers are perfect to plant in the July month in India.


Periwinkle flowers are low-growing plants with charming blue or white blooms. Plant periwinkle in a shady corner of your home gardens for best result.


Balsam flowers are best to plant in July month, it is known for their vibrant colors and attractive shape. 


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