
Vegetable Gardening

Tools and Supplies 

Required for

By Shama Parveen

Vegetable gardening is a fulfilling and rewarding hobby that can also provide fresh vegetables for your home. However, to successfully grow vegetables, you need to have the right tools and supplies. Here are some of the essential items you will need:

Vegetable seeds or bulbs are used to plant them and create a beautiful garden at home.

Vegetable Seeds/ bulb

Grow bags, or raised beds, pots are used to plant vegetables. It comes in different sizes which you can choose according to the growth of the vegetables.

Grow bags/ Pots

Use a good-quality soil mix that is nutrient-rich and well-draining.

Soil Potting mix

Manure and fertilizers are used to enrich the soil and provide nutrients for your plants.

Fertilizer/ Compost

For controlling pests and diseases that can damage your vegetable plants.

Organic pesticides

These will protect your hands from thorns, cuts, and soil-borne bacteria.

Gardening gloves

A small hand trowel is perfect for digging small holes for vegetable seeds and seedlings.

Hand trowel

They are useful for branching, harvesting and pruning vegetable plants.

Pruning shears

It is used for turning and loosening soil and removing weeds.

Garden fork

To label your plants and keep track of what you've planted.

Plant label

For supporting climbing plants like tomatoes, gourds, beans, and peas.

Trellis or Creeper net

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