Things To Keep In Mind While Giving Fertilizer In Vegetables

By Shama Parveen

Fertilizer is the soul of every plant, most plants depend on fertilizer as it supplies all the essential nutrients to the plant. That's why it is important to know some important things before adding fertilizer to any plant.

Read the label of your chosen fertilizer carefully for information on how much fertilizer to use with your vegetable plants.

Read The Label


Mix dry or solid fertilizers into the soil 2-4 inches around the plants.

Soild fertilizer


Mix compost or fertilizer into the soil only when the soil is slightly dry.

Fertilize when soil dry 


In vegetable plants, the same fertilizer should not be given for a long time, but the plant should be fertilized according to the need.

Fertilize as needed


Slow growth, dwarfism, yellow leaves, and low yield are signs of nutrient deficiencies in plants, but these symptoms can also be caused by lack of sunlight or water, so apply fertilizer to plants only after careful checking.

Check before fertilization


After giving fertilizer to vegetable plants, give water from above.

Water after fertilizing


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