Symptoms Of Sulfur Deficiency  In Plants!

By Shama Parveen

Sulfur deficiency symptoms in plants are often similar to those of nitrogen deficiency. But a significant difference is that nitrogen deficiency causes yellowing of the lower and older leaves of the plant, while sulfur deficiency affects the upper leaves. Let us know how to identify a sulfur deficiency in plants or what its symptoms are:

Medium Brush Stroke

The environment

The restaurant's vibe should match your soaring spirits.

The young and upper leaves of the plant start turning yellow. In contrast, the color of older leaves remains green.

Medium Brush Stroke

The environment

The restaurant's vibe should match your soaring spirits.

The leaves start turning brown after turning yellow.

Medium Brush Stroke

The environment

The restaurant's vibe should match your soaring spirits.

The whole plant turns yellow due to excessive deficiency of sulfur.

Medium Brush Stroke

The environment

The restaurant's vibe should match your soaring spirits.

The plant growth stops and the plant remains small in size. Fruits or vegetables mature late.

Medium Brush Stroke

The environment

The restaurant's vibe should match your soaring spirits.

The stem of the plant remains thin and rigid, it does not grow in thickness.

Medium Brush Stroke

The environment

The restaurant's vibe should match your soaring spirits.

Sulfur-deficient plants bear less fruit due to which the yield is half.

Medium Brush Stroke

The environment

The restaurant's vibe should match your soaring spirits.

Fewer glands are formed in the roots of pulses and leguminous plants. Due to this, nitrogen deficiency also starts in them.

Medium Brush Stroke

The environment

The restaurant's vibe should match your soaring spirits.

The seeds of the pods are not fully mature.

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