By Shama Parveen

Summer Plant Care:

6 Tips

 for Healthy Plants!

Maintaining plants during the summer can be challenging due to higher temperatures, drought conditions, and increased exposure to sunlight. Here are some tips to help keep your plants healthy and thriving during the summer:

During summer, the heat can dry out the soil quickly, so it is important to water your plants regularly using a watering can. The best time to water your plant is in the morning or evening.

Tip 1

It is necessary to keep the soil cool during hot summer days, for this mulching is a good option. You can use an organic mulch such as bark or leaves to keep the roots of your plants cool.

Tip 2

Some plants, such as vegetables and herbs, may benefit from a little shade during the hottest part of the day. You can use green shade netting to provide some shade for your plants.

Tip 3

During the summer, fertilizing helps keep plants healthy and strong. Use a slow-release fertilizer or organic fertilizer to provide nutrients to your plants.

Tip 4

To prevent the spread of disease and pests, remove dead or damaged leaves from your plant. Use sharp, clean shears to remove any dead or damaged leaves or branches.

Tip 5

Pests and diseases can be more prevalent during the summer, so it is important to monitor your plants for any signs of infection or disease. Use neem oil or insecticidal soap to control pests.

Tip 6

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