Turnips are cool-season root vegetables known for their nutritional richness. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, making them a valuable addition to your home garden.

In this story, we will discuss how to grow turnips from seeds or in pots at home, from planting turnip seeds to harvesting your own home-grown turnips.

Turnips Growing Season

You can sow the seeds from September to November for winter crops or from late January to early February for spring crops.

Pot or Grow Bag Size

Turnips generally require pots or grow bags at least 6-12 inches deep for proper root expansion.

Prepare the Soil

Turnips prefer well-drained, sandy soils with high organic matter and slightly acidic to neutral pH (6.0-7.5).

Planting the Seeds

Sow turnip seeds directly into soil or pots at a depth of about 0.5 inches and maintain a distance of 2-3 inches between each seed.


Keep the soil moist and place the pots in a sunny location. The turnip seeds will germinate in 5-14 days


Give regular water during the growing season and make sure the soil doesn’t dry out.


Make sure your turnip plants get proper sunlight, insufficient light can result in leggy growth and smaller roots.

Harvesting Of Turnips

Turnips are usually ready to harvest 45-65 days after planting. Gently loosen the soil around the turnip with a garden fork, then pull the turnip out of the soil.

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