Symptoms of Root Bound In Plants!

By Shama Parveen

The binding or entanglement of the roots of a plant is called root bound. This situation arises in the plant due to continuous keeping in a small pot, the twisted and tangled roots are not able to absorb the essential nutrients, air, water, etc., due to which the growth of the plant stops.

Root-bound can be somewhat difficult to spot or identify since the plant's roots are deep inside the potting soil, but there are some conditions that can tell if a plant is root bound. Let us know – the symptoms or signs of root bound of the plant, which is as follows: –

Leaves of plants affected by root bound appear curled, scorched, and yellow.

Plant wilting, despite watering, can be a sign of a root-bound plant.

When a plant looks stunted but fruitful, this is another major symptom of being root bound.

Root-bound plant roots sticking out of the pot's drainage holes or roots becoming visible at the soil surface.

The stressful condition of root-bound plants makes them more susceptible to pests.

When severely root bound, your plant's roots can actually bend or break their container!

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