Prepare your fertilizer for the garden plant, know the easy way.

Good quality manure is very important for good growth of plants in the garden and for healthy plants. Compared to chemical fertilizers available in the market, organic manure made at home is not only better for plants but is also environmentally friendly.

Today we will tell you an easy method of making manure at home using cow dung, which will make your garden healthy and green.

Ingredients for making cow dung

First of all you should collect fresh cow dung (cow or buffalo), dry leaves, small pieces of grass or dry wood, some soil and water.

Dry the dung:

Spread the dung in a clean and dry place and let it dry. Let it dry thoroughly so that most of the moisture is removed from it.

Mix the ingredients: 

 Mix dried leaves, grass, or small pieces of dry wood with dried cow dung. The ratio of these ingredients should be approximately 1:1. This will give the compost the proper amount of carbon and nitrogen.

Soil layer: 

Put a small layer of soil on top of the heap. This will help the compost to prepare properly and the necessary microorganisms will grow in it.

Maintain moisture: 

Lightly wet this heap with water from time to time. Keep in mind that the heap should not be too wet, rather it should remain slightly moist. This will help the dung and other materials to rot quickly and make good manure.

Keep turning: 

Keep turning this mixture every 15-20 days. This will maintain air flow in the pile and the process of making compost will be faster.

Manure ready: 

After about 2-3 months your cow dung manure will be ready. When it is completely rotten and turns dark brown, then consider it ready to use.