
By Shama Parveen

Planting Partners: 

 Ideal Companion Plants

for Indian Gardens

Companion planting is a popular gardening technique where certain plants are grown together to enhance each other's growth, repel pests, or provide other benefits. Here is a list of commonly used companion plants in India:

They are often used as companion plants in vegetable gardens. Marigolds repel pests like aphids and nematodes and attract beneficial insects like ladybugs.


Sunflowers are also great companion plants because they grow tall and provide shade for smaller plants, protect them from extreme heat, and attract pollinators to the garden.


Basil has a strong scent that repels mosquitoes and flies. It also increases the flavor of tomatoes and peppers when grown together.


Nasturtiums are known for their bright flowers and peppery leaves. They repel aphids, whiteflies, and squash bugs, making them excellent companions for many vegetables.


Mint is a good companion plant with a strong scent that repels pests such as ants, aphids, and cabbage moths.


Beans and corn are known as "sister plants" that are each other's best allies. Beans fix nitrogen in the soil, which benefits corn, while corn provides a natural lattice for the beans to climb on.

Beans and Corn

Garlic has natural fungicidal and insect-repellent properties. Planting garlic near roses, tomatoes, and fruit trees can help keep pests and diseases.


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