Know how to prepare soil for planting plants in summer!

How to prepare the soil for summer: When you are gardening in an open space, you do not need to add more material to the soil.

But many types of organic fertilizers need to be added to the potting mix prepared during container gardening, especially during the hot summer season. How to prepare potting mix for planting? It is very important for you to know this.

Start with normal soil

To plant plants in the summer season, collect red, yellow, brown, sandy or black soil present in your area.

Increase soil fertility

To grow summer plants, you should add compost to the soil. You can take any type of compost like vermicompost, kitchen waste.

Maintain moisture in the soil:

When preparing soil for summer, it is very important to mix cocopeat in it. By mixing it with soil the soil becomes much lighter than before.

Mix sand to create drainage

Let us tell you that the amount of sand in the soil should be kept the same as you have mixed coco peat. By adding sand the soil becomes friable.


You can use neem cake to provide protection to the roots of the plant in summer. Grind the neem cake into the soil and add it.

protection from germs

use potting soil

You can use the potting mix prepared in this way for plants to be planted in summer.