How To Mix Cocopeat With Soil ?

By Shama Parveen

When buying cocopeat from the market or online, it comes in brick form. For use in gardening, coco bricks are first ground into fine cocopeat, then cocopeat is used in the soil, so in this story we will tell you how to use cocopeat in the soil.

First of all take a big tub, tray  or bucket. After this put the cocopeat brick in that pot.

Now fill the water in the watering can and start pouring water over the cocopeat brick.

Submerge the cocopeat completely  in the water. By doing this, the cocopeat starts blooming.

When the cocopeat absorbs the water well, then break the block (brick) by hand and spread it well in the tub and add water, so that the cocopeat can absorb the water well.

Now take the cocopeat in your hand and squeeze it well, so that all the water filled in it comes out.

After the water is completely drained from the cocopeat, keep it in the sun for a few hours, so that it can dry.

After drying, you can prepare garden or pot soil by adding organic manure to a mixture of 50-50% cocopeat and soil.

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