How To Grow Tomatoes At Home?

By Shama Parveen

Sour-sweet tomato is the most popular vegetable in our kitchen; It's delicious and packed with edible vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium fiber, and many other essential antioxidants. Grow your own tomatoes in your home garden and add fresh flavor and rich nutrition to your meals.

You can sow tomato seeds throughout the year but the best month to sow tomato seeds is March-April

Tomato seeds are sown in seedling trays and then transplanted once the seeds germinate to grow freely.

To grow tomato at home, you need a grow bag or pot about 12 inches deep and wide.

Tomato seeds germinate within 8-14 days at the optimum temperature of around 18-27°C.


Tomato plant needs regular watering in summer and once in 3 days in winter.

Tomato needs at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight for high-yield or fast-growth of plants.

After 60-70 days from transplant, the tomato will start ripening.

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