How To Grow Sweet Potatoes  In Pots?

By Shama Parveen

Sweet potato is a vegetable of winter season, it is not only sweet in taste but also very beneficial for health, you can eat it raw or cooked. It is easy to grow it at home. Read this full story to learn how to grow sweet potatoes at home and when to harvest them.

You can plant sweet potato tubers outdoors (June-July) and indoors in the last cold (December-January).

When To Grow?

Sweet Potato will need a pot/grow bag at least 12 inches deep and wide to plant.

Pot Size/ Grow Bag  

Sweet potato tubers prefer to grow in well-draining, moist soil, but not too wet soil.

Best Soil

How To Grow Sweet Potato 

Select a healthy tuber  Plant the tuber in potting soil Keep the potting soil moist, but not soggy Now keep the pot in a warm place  When the sweet potato slips have 6 to 10 leaves, uproot them to transplant them individually.


Provide at least an inch of water per week and daily during the summer.


Keep them in a place where they get at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight.


It may take 90 to 120 days for the tubers to fully mature after transplanting.

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