How to Grow Rubber Plant At Home

By Shama Parveen

The rubber plant is very attractive as well as inexpensive and best of all, it is easy to grow with little maintenance. This plant looks quite simple and the part of the house where it is planted looks stylish and luxurious.

Select a pot or grow bag with drainage holes. After this fill the potting soil in the pot

Now bring a small sapling of rubber plant from your nearest nursery and plant it in the soil.

You can plant rubber plants indoors or outdoors, they grow best anywhere.

Add organic fertilizers like vermicompost, neem cake, rock phosphate, old cow dung manure, etc., to the soil for plant growth.

Water the plants only when the pot's soil is dry and avoid waterlogging in the soil.

Keep the plant in a place where it can get partial sunlight. Additionally, protect the plants from the strong afternoon sun.

With the help of a pruner, remove the damaged parts from the rubber plant, this will improve the growth of the plant.

To protect the plants from pests, spray Neem oil on the plants.

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