How To Grow Coleus Plant  At Home? 

By Shama Parveen

The coleus plant is a popular annual or short-lived perennial flowering plant that is known for its showy leaves, they produce insignificant blue to white flowers. Most gardeners trim the small flowers to encourage the growth of foliage (leaves).

The leaves come in various shades of pink to dark maroon combined colors. The leaves vary in shape, style, and color, coleus grows on square stems and reaches full size in a single season.

Coleus grows best in warm and sunny weather. You can sow the seeds in Spring (February-March) when the climates are warm.

Sow the coleus flower seeds in a seedlings tray or small pots then transplant them into big pots or gardens.

Pot or grow bag of at least 9-15 inches is good for planting coleus. 

The best temperature for coleus seeds germination is between 21-23°C. It takes about 3 weeks or sometimes 4 weeks for them to germinate.

You can apply a water-soluble fertilizer such as organic liquid fertilizer, neem cake, or plant growth promoter once a month to enhance the color of the coleus plant.

Water outdoor coleus plants twice a day and, if grown indoors, only when the top soil is dry.

Coleus grows best in 6-8 hours of sunlight however, it can tolerate partial shade.

They bloom seasonally in spikes you can cut to encourage new leaf growth. Once the plant blooms and starts producing seeds, they stop growing and die.

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