How To Grow Calendula Officinalis  At Home?

By Shama Parveen

Calendula is a very popular flowering plant known as the pot marigold, but it is not the same as the common marigold. You can easily grow calendula in home garden and terrace garden so here I will give you all the information related to growing calendula officinalis at home.

The best time to sow calendula seeds is spring and early fall when temperatures are cooler. You can plant calendula from February to March.

Calendula officinalis grows best directly in a container, pot, or garden. You can also plant calendula with the seedling transplant method.

To plant calendula seeds, take a pot or grow bag at least 9 to 12 inches wide and deep. 

Calendula seeds germinate in 7-10 days at temperatures around 12-25°C.

Calendula requires water in its early stages and needs occasional watering as it matures. Do not over-water, water only when the soil is dry.

Calendula prefers full sunlight but needs some afternoon shade in the hottest month of summer.

Calendula Officinalis flowers bloom 40-60 days or within 2 months from sowing. Spring, summer, and fall are calendula’s blooming seasons.

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