

How To Get Rid Of

 In Plants!

By Shama Parveen

Black Section Separator

The whitefly is found on the lower surface of the leaves of the plant, which damages them by sucking the sap from the plant tissues. In such a situation, to protect the plants planted in the garden from white flies, you can adopt the following measures, such as:-

Black Section Separator
Black Section Separator

Ways To Get Rid Of Whiteflies

Black Section Separator

Cut and separate the parts affected by whiteflies from the plants.


Black Section Separator

Spray organic insecticidal soap and neem oil solution on plants affected by white fly.


Black Section Separator

To protect plants from whiteflies and other pests, place sticky traps around plants because when pests come near sticky traps, they stick to them.


Black Section Separator

To prevent infestation, plant flowering plants in your garden to attract pollinators like green lacewings, ladybugs, etc. as these pollinators control the effect of flies.


Black Section Separator

Plant companion plants to control whiteflies. For example, you can plant nasturtium flower plants to provide protection to gooseberry and tomato plant.


Black Section Separator

You can spray the leaves of plants with a mixture of 2 parts rubbing alcohol, 5 parts water, and 1 tablespoon of biodegradable liquid soap to prevent infestation.


Black Section Separator

Aluminum foil or reflective plastic mulch can reflect sunlight onto whiteflies to repel them.