
Ridge Gourd

How To Grow

At Home?

By Shama Parveen

Ridge gourd, also known as Torai, is a green, ridged vegetable commonly found in Indian cuisine. It is typically grown in warm, humid regions and is a popular vegetable in India. It grows on a vine and can be harvested when the fruit reaches a length of about 10-15 inches. 

Ridge gourd can be grown all year round in India, but it thrives well during the summer and rainy seasons. 

Growing Season In India

Choose a well-draining, nutrient-rich soil for planting ridge gourd. Amend the soil with compost or manure to improve fertility.

Soil and Climate

Bottle gourd is a climber plant that needs more space to grow well, but can grow easily in pots or grow bags about 15-24 inches wide and deep.

Pot or grow bag size

You can sow ridge gourd seed directly in any pots or grow bags about 0.5 inches deep in well-composted soil. 

Sowing method

Ridge gourd prefers full sunlight and regular water for better growth.

Watering and Sunlight

After 20-25 days from ridge gourd seeds sowing, add a side dressing like homemade compost or vermicompost which provide additional nutrients to the gourd plant.


Within 80 to 90 days ridge gourd will be ready to harvest. Harvesting of ridge gourd can be continued for the next 3 months.


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