"From Kitchen to Garden: Creative Uses for Kitchen Scraps"


Generally, a lot of garbage comes out of our kitchen every day, which we throw directly into the dustbin without thinking anything.

But have you ever thought that we can provide nutrition to our organization by using kitchen waste from our kitchen?

Perhaps you are not able to digest this, how kitchen scraps can be used in plants.

But let us tell you that we can give kitchen waste, i.e. the waste from the kitchen, as organic fertilizer to the plants in our garden.

egg shells

Egg shells are such kitchen scraps that prove to be very beneficial for the plants and soil in your garden.

banana peels

Banana peels are the best kitchen scraps for plants and are a great source of potassium. Which is an essential nutrient for flowering and fruit plants.

vegetable pieces

Vegetable peels present in the kitchen are rich in potassium, phosphorus and micronutrients. These are kitchen scraps that you can compost.

Tea leaf

Tea leaves or tea bags can be used as kitchen scrap organic fertilizer for the plants in your garden.

citrus peels

The peels of citrus fruits like oranges and lemons can also prove to be extremely beneficial for your plants.