
"Follow This Method for Healthy Seedling Preparation!

Generally, the preparation of seedlings is the first and most important task for the healthy growth and development of any plant. 

it is very important to have healthy seedlings to start a better garden. Generally, seedlings are called the foundation of plants

Method Of Prepare Seedling

Before planting the seeds of any plant, it is very important to know the right way to prepare the seedlings,

Select Good Quality Seed

The first step in preparing seedlings is to select high-quality seeds, select seeds that are healthy and disease-free.

Seed Soaking For Better Germination 

Although not all seeds require soaking, some larger seeds, such as beans or peas, germinate faster when soaked, this method is optional.

Prepare Seed Starting Mix

For sowing seeds in seedling trays, an organic mixture needs to be prepared with vermicompost, cocopeat, and vermiculite or perlite.

Sow Seed In Starting Mix

Fill each chamber of the tray with seed starting mix and plant the seeds at the appropriate depth and distance, pressing down gently.

Watering Seedling

After sowing the seeds, water the plants deeply with the help of a watering can and keep the soil constantly moist during summer.

Provide Germination Conditions

Seeds require favorable conditions to germinate, some seeds germinate in filtered sunlight while others germinate in darkness.