Flowers that Fragrant at night!

By Shama Parveen

Today I will share some of my favorite flowers which spread fragrance in the night and refresh our mood and give a stress-free touch to the garden. Read the story and learn the name of the flowers and plan to plant them in your garden.

Mogra flowers give a very nice fragrance in the night, due to which everyone likes to plant it in their garden.


Night Queen

Night Queen flower is a different type of flower, which blooms and gives fragrance only at night, it is not only beautiful to look at, but also has many health benefits.

Champa is a white flower with 5 petals, which blooms in the form of a bunch. Let us tell you that this flower gives fragrance both day and night.


Juhi's flowers are small and white in color and look very attractive and attractive.



Datura flowers also make the atmosphere fragrant at night with their fragrance, but let us tell you that it is very poisonous.


Rajnigandha flowers are also known for their distinct sweet fragrance at night. You can plant Rajnigandha flowers in your balcony or garden.


Verbena, which blooms in all seasons throughout the year, produces flowers in shades of purple, lavender, pink, blue, and white.

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