Expert Care Tips for Lemon Plants in Summer"

As summer start, we need to pay attention to our beloved lemon plants.

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned gardener, taking care of lemon plants is very important in hotter days.

 In This story, we are going to discuss some effective ways to ensure that your lemon plant will grow throughout summer. 

If you want to know how to grow green chillies in pots at home, then today we will tell you how to grow green chillies in pots at home.

From watering techniques to Sun Protection, let’s learn how to take care of lemon plants in summer.

Watering properly:

Lemon plants require more water in summer. Because it dries quickly in summer. You should water your lemon plants slowly and deeply.

Mulching in summer

Mulching is important for your lemon trees to maintain soil moisture, use mulch such as straw, bark or compost.

fertilization in week

It is very important to apply fertilizer in summer for good growth of fruits. Usually, you can use organic fertilizer every 4-6 weeks.


Pruning is important for plant growth to get rid of any dead, diseased or broken branches.


During the summer season, your lemon plant becomes more vulnerable to insects and diseases. Use neem oil spray to keep it safe

Pest and disease management

Heat protection

If it’s very hot in your area, you may need to give your lemon plant or tree some shade in the afternoon.