Enhance Your Gardening Skills with Hanging Gardens Easy Tips!


Hanging gardens not only beautify your balcony or garden but also enhance your gardening skills. If you want to enhance your gardening skills, hanging gardens are a great option.

For hanging gardens, choose plants that are light and do not weigh much. Plants like petunias, baccaps, and verbena fuchsia and lantana look great in hanging baskets.

Choosing the Right Plants

Strong Hanging Baskets: Select strong and durable hanging baskets that can support the weight of the plants.

Selecting Container

Use light soil for hanging gardens so that the weight of the basket remains less. Mix perlite and vermicompost in the soil so that the roots of the plants do not rot.

soil preparation

If possible, use drip watering system so that the plants get regular and balanced water.

Watering System:

Use liquid fertilizer or slow-release fertilizer every 2-3 weeks. This will provide essential nutrients to the plants and keep them healthy.

regular fertilization

Use neem oil or organic pesticides to protect plants from pests. Regularly check the plants and treat them on time so that no disease or pest can spread.

  pest and disease control

Use creative ideas to decorate hanging gardens. Use colorful pots, lights and decorative items.

Decoration and Maintenance