

On Fruit Trees!

By Shama Parveen

If you want to know what diseases occur in fruit trees, which become a major hindrance in the growth of trees and the production of healthy fruits, then let us know in this story.

Powdery mildew is a form of a group of fungi that causes white spots on plant leaves, fruits, and flowers.

Powdery Mildews

Leaf curl is a fungal disease, especially of fruit plant leaves, that causes the leaves of fruit plants to become wrinkled, thickened, and often deformed.

Leaf Curl

Canker disease affects fruit plants, the disease can destroy small branches and stems, and sometimes the fruits rot and fall.

Canker Disease

Scab disease causes the appearance of green spots on the leaves, which are velvety in the beginning and later turn black, eventually leading to falling before maturity.

Scab Disease 

Brown rot is a fungal disease of fruit trees, which first affects the flowers, and then spreads to the branches and fruits of the trees.

Brown Rot