Winter is here, and while we’re snuggled up in our warm blankets, our indoor plants need a little extra love and attention.

So, Let’s take a look at some simple houseplant care tips during winter to ensure that your plants stay happy and healthy when it’s snowing outside.


Move your houseplants closer to south or west-facing windows, where they can enjoy precious winter sunlight.


You need to check the soil moisture regularly and water only when the top inch feels dry.


Maintain a consistent temperature range for your indoor plants. Most houseplants love temperatures between 60-75°F (15-24°C).


You have to increase the humidity around your plants by placing a tray of water near them, using a humidifier, or occasionally misting the plants.


Reduce the frequency of fertilizing during winter. If your houseplant is actively growing, it’s best to use a liquid, balanced fertilizer every 6-8 weeks.


Prune your houseplants to maintain their shape and remove any unhealthy or diseased growth.

Check for Pests and Diseases

Check your indoor plants regularly to prevent any pests or diseases from developing on the plant.

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