Terrace gardening is a wonderful way to turn the roof of your home into a lush, green garden space.

Let us know the easy tips for successful terrace gardening that will help you cultivate a thriving terrace garden.

Start Small

When you start terrace gardening begin with a few pots and plants. This way, you won’t feel overwhelmed.

Right Soil Mix

Good potting soil mix is a key to successful terrace gardening, use a mix of garden soil, coco peat (coconut husk), and compost.

Water Wisely

Water your plants early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid water evaporation.

Sunlight Matters

Most vegetable plants require at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight. Place your pots or grow bags in a place where they can get plenty of sunlight.

Pest Control

Home garden plants may be infected by pests and diseases. Use natural pest control methods like neem oil.

Enjoy the Process

Remember, gardening is a journey. Enjoy watching your plants grow. It doesn't matter if some plants don't survive.

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