Plants start deteriorating if they are kept in the same pot for a long time. The roots of the plants start coming out of the pot, there is a deficiency of nutrients in the soil and the growth of the plant also slows down. In such a situation, it is time to repot the plants.
Repot in spring season
Many plants go into dormancy during cold weather. And when spring season arrives in the month of February-March, it is a good idea to replant the plant.
days for plant repotting
The best time of the day to repot plants is in the morning. At this time the plants will be protected from direct sunlight.
Improper watering:
Most of the gardeners often make the mistake of watering the plants at the wrong time while changing the pot.
Repoting at the wrong time:
Transferring plants from one pot to another at the wrong time is one of the most common mistakes made in gardening.
Choosing the wrong size pot:
Using the wrong size container is a common mistake when transferring a plant from one pot to another.
Ignoring the Drainage System:
Many times beginners, knowingly or unknowingly, while repotting plants, take a pot which does not have a drainage system.
Not using correct soil:
One of the common mistakes often seen during repotting is choosing the wrong soil.
Lack of favorable environment:
Some gardeners make the mistake of placing the plant in a sunny location or in complete shade immediately after changing the pot.
Removing soil from roots:
Beginners often make the mistake of completely removing the soil from the plant's roots during plant repotting.