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6 Common Fertilizing Mistakes, You Want To Avoid!

By Shama Parveen

Audemars Piguet Royal

Steel case, octagonal bezel, & integrated bracelet. The Royal Oak overturned the prevailing codes in 1972 and took its rightful place as a true modern icon.

Fertilizers are very important for plants but you know that if you apply fertilizer in the wrong way then plants will not be able to grow well instead of better growth. So read this story and find out if you are making the same mistake.

Audemars Piguet Royal

Steel case, octagonal bezel, & integrated bracelet. The Royal Oak overturned the prevailing codes in 1972 and took its rightful place as a true modern icon.


New gardeners often overfertilize vegetables or other plants in an attempt to get more production, which causes yellowing of the plant's leaves and burn or drying of the leaf margins and sometimes attracts pests and diseases. 

Audemars Piguet Royal

Steel case, octagonal bezel, & integrated bracelet. The Royal Oak overturned the prevailing codes in 1972 and took its rightful place as a true modern icon.

Under Fertilization

New gardeners often add too little fertilizer to plant soil due to a lack of knowledge. In such a situation, due to a lack of nutrients, plants remain small, and leaves, flowers, and fruits do not grow well.

Audemars Piguet Royal

Steel case, octagonal bezel, & integrated bracelet. The Royal Oak overturned the prevailing codes in 1972 and took its rightful place as a true modern icon.

Fertilizing Plants At The Wrong Time

Fertilizing in the hot midday sun does not allow essential nutrients to reach the roots quickly and the scorching sun also burns the plants.

Audemars Piguet Royal

Steel case, octagonal bezel, & integrated bracelet. The Royal Oak overturned the prevailing codes in 1972 and took its rightful place as a true modern icon.

Spreading Fertilizer Close To The Stem

Applying fertilizers too close to the stems of plants can result in burn marks on the stems. It is very important that the solid fertilizer is kept at a proper distance from the stem or leaves.

Audemars Piguet Royal

Steel case, octagonal bezel, & integrated bracelet. The Royal Oak overturned the prevailing codes in 1972 and took its rightful place as a true modern icon.

Not Watering Plants After Applying Fertilizer

A big mistake is not watering the soil after applying fertilizer or manure in solid or powder form to the plants, due to which the fertilizer does not get absorbed and the nutrients do not reach the roots.

Audemars Piguet Royal

Steel case, octagonal bezel, & integrated bracelet. The Royal Oak overturned the prevailing codes in 1972 and took its rightful place as a true modern icon.

Using Fresh Manure On Plants

Using fresh cow dung as fertilizer causes plant roots to burn due to excess nitrogen (ammonia).

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