5 such organic fertilizers that you can make at home!


Gardening enthusiasts often look for natural and organic ways to provide nutrients to their plants. There are some organic fertilizers which you can easily prepare at home.

Along with this, you can make organic fertilizer by using kitchen waste, fruit peels, dry leaves etc. If you are also thinking of making organic fertilizer at home. 

Mustard Cake Fertilizer

Mustard cake fertilizer is also known as mustard cake. This fertilizer can be made at home

cow dung Manure

Cow dung manure is one of the best home made fertilizers for plants and is an organic fertilizer.

eggshell fertilizer

Fertilizer made from egg shells can be easily made at home and is very beneficial for plants.

Compost Tea:

It provides nutritious soil to the plants and helps in their growth.

vermicompost fertilizer

You can use home made vermicompost as the best organic fertilizer to add to the pots of your home garden or terrace garden.

banana peel:

Potassium, phosphorus, and other nutrients are found in banana peel, which are beneficial for plants.