
Plants That Keep

Unwanted Insects

Away From Gardens!

Shama Parveen 

During gardening, many unwanted and harmful insects harm our plants as well as us. Some plants can be powerful allies in the fight against unwanted insects. Here are some plants that are known for their ability to repel unwanted insects:

Lavender is one of the most expensive and favorite herb known for its calming fragrance. It repels mosquitoes, flies and moths and is best for planting in gardens.


Tulsi is a culinary herb not only adds flavor to your dishes but also repels mosquitoes and flies from your gardens.


Marigold flower is available in every garden and if not, then plant it in your garden now because it helps to drive away aphids, mosquitoes and nematodes in the soil.


Along with a lot of health benefits, mint also helps in repelling ants, mosquitoes and spiders with its strong aroma.


In addition to its pleasant lemon scent, lemon balm repels mosquitoes and other biting insects from your gardens.

Lemon balm

Rosemary is a versatile herb that not only adds flavor to your cooking but also repels mosquitoes and some garden pests.


These vibrant flowers contain a natural insecticide called pyrethrum, which repels various insects, including ants, mosquitoes, and roaches.


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