
Noniya  Saag

How To Grow

At Home?

By Shama Parveen

Noniya saag is a very popular green leafy vegetable in India. It has a slightly sour taste, the stems are pink in color and the leaves are small. You can easily grow noniya saag in your home garden or terrace garden.

Noniya bhaji is a heat-loving plant and it cannot survive in cold climates. The best time to sow the seeds is summer (February-April) and rainy (July-September).

Growing Season In India

Noniya ki Bhaji/Kulfa Saag prefers warm weather and thrives in well-drained, fertile soil. It grows best in areas with a temperature range of  15-35 degrees Celsius.

Soil and Climate

You can use pots or containers with a minimum diameter of 10-12 inches and a depth of 8-10 inches.

Pot or grow bag size

Noniya ki Bhaji/Kulfa Saag can be grown from seeds or cuttings. You can sow the seeds directly into the soil at a depth of 1-2 cm or plant cuttings into the soil.

Sowing method

Noniya ki Bhaji/Kulfa Saag requires regular watering and full sunlight for fast growth. 

Watering and Sunlight

You can add compost or organic fertilizer to the soil before planting. This will help provide the necessary nutrients for the plant's growth.


Within 50 days, noniya saag will be ready to harvest. You can pick the leaves as needed and the plant will continue to produce more.


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