How To Protect Balcony Garden In Summer Season?

By Shama Parveen

Gardening on the balcony is the new trend nowadays, in which everyone is interested, but in summer are you afraid of withering of balcony garden plants, if yes, then do not worry, I will tell you some tips, so that your balcony will be green throughout the summer.

Too much sunlight can harm your plants, so arrange potted plants on your balcony so that they get the amount of sunlight they need.

Arrange Balcony Plants

If plants do not get enough water, they wither and lack of water can even kill your plant, so make sure to give your plant enough water during summer.

 Water The Plants

A good option would be to mulch the soil around the plants with a layer of mulch/leaves/newspapers etc. to protect the plants planted in the balcony garden during summer and to retain moisture in the soil.

Mulch the Plants

To protect the plants, you can shade the plant with a cloth so that the plants on the balcony can remain green and healthy even during the hot summer.

Cover the plant with cloth

To protect the plants in the balcony garden from pests, you can use neem oil or other insecticides as organic pesticides.

Protect Plants From Pests 

Avoid planting plants in plastic or dark-colored pots in the balcony garden during the summer season, as these pots absorb more heat and increase the temperature inside the soil of the plant, which may harm your plants.

Don't use plastic pot

You can use clay pots to plant plants in summer, apart from this it would be appropriate to use geo fabric grow bags as the best container for planting plants in the balcony garden.

Best Pot

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