
Fennel Herb 

How To Grow

At Home?

By Shama Parveen

Fennel is one of the popular herbs that are often grown for its leaves and seeds but some varieties are also grown for their bulbs. 

Fennel is a complete pack of minerals and nutrients; its leaves, bulbs, stems, pollen, and seeds all have different uses and benefits; Plants are not only beneficial to humans but also to our gardens because they attract pollen.

Sow fennel seeds in spring or late summer, February to March and May to June are the best months to plant fennel.

When to sow seeds?

To plant fennel, you need to select a pot or grow bag that is at least 12-24 inches wide and 12-15 inches deep with good drainage holes.

Grow bag size?

Sow fennel seeds at a depth of 0.5 inches in the soil by direct sowing method.

Seeds Sowing depth?

Fennel seeds germinate in about 10-14 days and the best soil temperatures for germination of fennel seeds are 15-21°C.

Germination days?

Fennel does not require any special fertilizer, just add compost to the soil during the growing season.

Best Fertilizer?

Fennel plants require at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day, shady conditions will make them unhealthy or leggy.

Sunlight requirement?

Fennel does not require much water, water whenever you feel the soil has become dry but do not allow the soil to dry out for too long.

Water need?

Fennel is ready to harvest about 60-90 days from planting. You can cut the fennel leaves as needed throughout the growing season.

Harvesting Days?

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