As we know there are many essential nutrients that every plant needs to grow healthy which they can get through fertilizers. But do you know which nutrients are essential for plants and what they do for plant growth? Read the full story to know.

Nitrogen is the first essential nutrient for plants, a key nutrient for strong, vigorous growth, dark green leaf color, and photosynthesis for plants.


Phosphorus is used by plants mainly for root growth and development. Plants that have a good amount of phosphorus will give more flowers and fruits ripen better and faster.


Potassium is a primary macronutrient for all types of plants, improving overall plant health. It helps plants fight diseases, strengthens plant cells and helps move water in plants.


Calcium is another nutrient that is important for keeping the cells of the normal plant strong and healthy and promoting the good development of young roots.


Magnesium is essential for the creation of sugars, proteins, oils, and fats in plants, controls the absorption of other nutrients (especially phosphorus), and is also a carrier of phosphorus.


Sulfur helps to maintain dark green color in plants, and encourages strong growth of plants.


Boron helps in the cell growth of plants and controls plants' metabolism. It is a very small amount of micronutrients for plants.


Many important functions of the plant such as enzymes and chlorophyll production, nitrogen-fixing, and all functions such as plant growth and metabolism are dependent on iron.


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