How to identify which disease is in the plant?

By Shama Parveen

Often we treat diseases on plants, but we do not know which disease has occurred in them, today in this story we will discuss the symptoms of diseases in plants so that diseases can be treated at the right time.

If brown spots or grains similar to rust appear on the lower and upper surface of the leaves of the plant, then these symptoms are of Rust Fungus disease.

If burnt spots appear on the leaves, stem, and fruits of your plant, then understand that the plant is infected with bacterial disease.

Due to viral diseases, the color of the leaves or veins of the plant becomes yellow.

A white powdery coating forms on the surface of leaves, stems, and fruits of plants infected with the fungus.

Sometimes wilting of the leaves of the plant and sudden drop of the entire plant are signs of bacterial disease.

The twisting of plant leaves are the main symptom of virus disease.