Easy Home Remedies To Protect   Plants From Insects!

By Shama Parveen


If insects are found in any indoor or outdoor plant, then the following easy measures can be adopted to get rid of them:

If the plants are infested with pests, the first step should be to keep them away from other plants. Due to this, there is no risk of infection in other plants.

Keep The infected Plant Away

The second and easiest step is to spray the plant with a strong stream of water if it finds insects/pests. Some small insects get carried away by the strong current of water.

Spray Fast Stream Of Water

It is not right to wash the plants inside the house with water, due to which the water falls on the floor. In such a situation, take a toothbrush and with its help clean the insects stuck on the leaves and twigs of the plant.

Use Toothbrush

If pests are infested in big or vine plants, then to get rid of them it is right to spray organic insecticide neem oil.

Natural Organic Pesticides

Take 1 liter of water, and add 1 teaspoon of liquid dishwashing soap or baby shampoo. Mix both things well and spray them well on the plants.

Soap Insecticide

Mix 40 ml of vinegar in 1 liter of water and fill this solution in a spray pump and spray it on the pests on the plants.

Vinegar Solution

Boil neem leaves in water and then after cooling that water spray on the plant. Due to the bitter taste and smell, insects start running away from the plant.

Neem Water

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