Benefits Of Using Coffee  As Fertilizer!

By Shama Parveen

In general, the coffee we drink contains nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus, which benefit all plants, many people throw the remaining coffee grounds as garbage after making coffee. While instead of throwing it in the dustbin, it is put in the plants, then the plants start growing. Coffee is used as an excellent compost or fertilizer for plants, it has the following advantages -

Nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and humic acid are found in coffee grounds, which are essential nutrients for all plants. 

Coffee helps to keep the plant green

The water-holding capacity of the soil also increases with the use of coffee.

Weeds do not grow even if a thin layer of coffee ground is spread over the soil of the plants.

Using coffee powder keeps pests like slugs and snails away from the plant.

Coffee increases the acidity of the soil.

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