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How To Take Care Of Garden Plants In Winter?

By Shama Parveen

In winter, the external environment is not favorable for your plants, due to which the plants are not able to grow properly and sometimes they even die. Therefore, to keep the plants in your home garden healthy and disease-free during the cold season, follow the tips given below so that you can take care of the plants in the garden.


It is very important to clean the plants in the garden during the winter season and during cleaning remove the dead and infected or diseased parts of the plants.

Clean The Garden Plants


While cleaning remove weeds (unwanted plants) growing in the garden and pot soil around the plant

Remove Unwanted Weeds


Apply top dressing or mulching to the plant's soil in the garden or pot. To do top dressing, you can cover the soil with mulch, or dry leaves.

Top Dressing


Avoid over-wetting of the soil or water-logging in the pot during winter as this can rot the roots of the plants and increase the risk of diseases like root rot in the plant.



Don't prune your garden plants too much, as many plants aren't capable of producing new growth during cold weather, and over-pruning can kill them.

Don’t Over Prune


Most plants grow slower in cold weather, so they need fewer nutrients and fertilizer to thrive, so don't fertilize too much.

Avoid  Over-Fertilizing

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