How To Grow Lavender  From Seeds?

By Shama Parveen

Lavender is a well-known perennial herb widely cultivated for the strong scent of seeds and flowers. These flowers produce seeds and the flowers can be eaten raw or added to salads or teas. Lavender not only creates a lasting scent for gardens but also helps attract pollinators. Grow your own lavender at home with our simple and easy tips.

Lavender prefers warm conditions and spring (February-March) is best as lavender needs a long warm season.

You can sow lavender seeds in any pot or grow them by transplant method; it grows well in both ways.

To grow lavender from seeds, select a pot or grow bag that is 12-15 inches wide and deep with well-draining holes.

Lavender seeds germinate in about 2-3 weeks at temperatures around 18-21°C.

Lavender plants need water in their first growing season, then water only when the soil is dry.

Lavender thrives in full sunlight which should be at least 6-8 hours; do not plant lavender in shaded portions as it does not grow well in shade.

You can cut flowers at any time and harvest lavender seeds approximately 3-4 months after planting.

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